University Project 2021 - Winner of the Black and Yellow D&AD New Blood pencils.

"Reimagine reading and the role of books"
Only 1 out of 65 books in the English Lit curriculum are written by a Black author, causing many Black teens to be disinterested and disconnected to books and reading, due to this lack of representation.
THE IDEA: Lit on Beat
Penguins movement to put the rhythm into reading and the colour in the curriculum. 
Watch below how I put my unique spin on tackling the brief, which led me to winning 2 pencils.
Read about it here: D&AD Lit on Beat
This was a project I did solo, with no prior video editing or motion design experience. I self taught myself how to make the video in 2 weeks.

McCann , "McCann Central junior creative strategist tops iconic industry awards"
LBB ,  "D&AD Announces 186 Pencil Winners for New Blood Awards 2021"
Adweek, "Behind 3 Winning Ideas from Emerging Creatives at D&AD New Blood 2021"  
DesignWeek "D&AD awards three Black Pencils for New Blood Awards 2021"
Creative Review "Three Black Pencil winners at this year’s D&AD New Blood awards"

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